
Doing Philanthropy Foundation

Humanity has the right to happiness


The foundation wants to pay particular attention to the contribution of subsidiarity, the principle that puts at the center the value of each person and the role of initiatives that arise "from below"; from the doing and concrete work of all of us; of those who want to "make philanthropy", for others.

When it emerges that public management fails to meet needs and that private management has instead the strength, effectiveness, efficiency and quality that make the prospect of man better, we must all act, ‘from below’, to contribute to their complementarity between public and private.

The signs of novelty and change that are already emerging today in our civil fabric, in the different fields that are the hearts of people, must be able to implement that rich and stimulating dialogue that guides, even through a thousand difficulties, to the spiritual rebirth that then leads to the hungry with goods.

Reflecting on the financial, social and political factors that led to the crisis of the beginning of the third millennium, the interventions that the Foundation wants to carry out identify the paths that can restore confidence to the economic and cultural fabric that constitutes the strength of our country and that can represent a model. Model of subsidiarity, philanthropy, including at the international level.

Small contributions, perhaps, but that can push towards a recovery, for a livelihood model that can invest in labour and human capital, to the point of building stronger balances between people.

Doing Philanthropy “an acting manifesto.” Doing Philanthropy is thinking that acts, idea that moves, knowledge that makes network.Our vision of the world and life is born from a deep belief, rooted in a multifaceted and multidisciplinary intuition, which develops a new methodology. Just like the great historical movements of human progress, which proclaimed themselves cultural watershed through written manifestations of one's own thought, Doing Philanthropy is told with its manifesto. From the decalogue handed over to Moses, through Umanime, Enlightenment, Positivism and Romanticism, we describe our vision through an elementary and universal expressive form, which from reading alone becomes action. Think Doing is our mantra, our thinking acting for the fundamental axiom of semiotics that saying something means doing it at the same time.

1. Every human being has the right to happiness. An abused sentence, which

often occurs in public documents. Doing emphasizes the

epicurean meaning, according to which our personal success will be

determined by the quality of life we produce for ourselves and for the

others, from a complementary community perspective.

2. Do what you love. We believe in the pragmatic dream, in the idea

according to which everything we do is a projection of our

individuality. To disobey one's vocation means to sabotage if

themselves. We believe in the model of society in which everyone produces this for

from which it was born: this creates a spontaneous optimization

of human organization.

3. Without the individual, there is no economy. The economy is the will

of human thought, in action. That's how we decide to allocate our

resources and therefore, to specialize every task, in harmony with our

individuality. Money is the material reflection of the action, conceived

as a gesture to produce value for the community.

4. Revolution of knowledge. We know that the human crisis

contemporary is above all a crisis of content and ideas.

We accept the failure of the old economic paradigms, first

industrial, then institutional, to work at the prince capital of each

modern activity: knowledge.

5. Knowledge network. Knowledge does not exist without its

sharing. Sharing knowledge is free. It's a good

not poor and unrivalled: the private use of the individual does not preclude the use of

another one. On the contrary: it is precisely the exchange that derives from it becomes value,

innovation and novelty. Human relationships are cultural value and

economic of the future.

6. Subsidiarity. In a world where every person is led to do

what it was born for, even the activities that arise from below or not

produce material value, are supported by other forms of

production, for the sole principle that, we also need

of those. The concrete operation of the individual is re-allotted in a way

optimal: only in the community and in its virtuous circle, it will develop

a form of spontaneous and self-propulsive philanthropy.

7. The body. Our enhancement of the person marries an idea of

sober life, attentive to the health of the body and, inevitably, of the planet.

We believe in a balanced modus vivendi, in connection with the

spiritual dimension of mind and heart. We believe in energies.

Eating properly, with a diet that draws from the earth. The

body is the operational seat of thought. Eat well and dream more.

Breathe properly. Live longer.

8. Change. Doing pushes progress forward. It supports the

young people, embryonic ideas, new content. Money is a means, a

channel for the dissemination of human value and culture. The consistency

value material lies in ideas and their sharing.

9. Pluralism. We recognize religious, ethnic,

political, economic and social of a globalized world and yet not

still aligned, characterized by strong imbalances. We work on a

paradigm of complete knowledge, which involves the heritage of

every nation. A tower of Babel of languages, beliefs and thoughts,

united by the urgency of the proper functioning of the world of

tomorrow, of the man's new attempt.

10. doing.

Copyright 2014 Paolo Saviolo  ||  Doing Philanthropy - Via Col di Lana 12 - 13100 Vercelli (VC)  ||  C.F. 94036400029

Fondazione Iscritta al n. 238 del Registro delle Persone Giuridiche, Prefettura di Vercelli 12 dicembre 2014